Newsletter - Issue 12 - July 2022
Our News
The Pop In community consists of a diverse group of supporters, volunteers, frontline workers and the Board. Key contributors in our development have been two departing Board members, Rod Stockell and Valentina Borbonne. We are indebted to them for their guidance, counsel and input to our many important decisions. I would personally like to thank them for the support and vision they have provided to both the Board and myself.
I am very pleased to announce we are starting the new financial year with two new Board members. Angus Campbell-Jones and Christine Windeyer, both of whom have extensive prior experience at Board level in other not for profits.
The Board strength and expertise will be further enhanced by Paula McLean stepping into the role of Pop In Patron. Paula is very well known in the not for profit and philanthropy sector, particularly in her involvement with the Stella Book Prize.
Looking forward to working with you all over the next twelve months.
Vicki Kelley,
Our Results
Pop In provides support to women and their children who are impacted by Domestic Violence and abuse. Since opening in May 2021 we have supported 95 children under the age of 16 . This support includes specialist parenting programs such as Play and Chat, parenting and custody arrangements, referral and access to specialist services and advocacy in areas such as disability and education. Pop In supports women and their children in developing a plan for the future that is safe, inclusive and reconnects them with their community.
Our Community
So what do we do?
Pop In provides the wrap around support needed for women to engage with the range of services and supports available to them which may include:
Ensuring that the referrals are followed through, that woman are supported to tell their story in a way that is comfortable and does not overwhelm or re traumatise.
Pop In case workers can attend appointments alongside women when desired to provide support and ensure clarity of understanding.
Other services can use Pop In premises to create a more comfortable environment.
Case workers support women to decipher and understand new information and develop a response when needed.
Pop In volunteers can provide childcare so mothers can focus on meetings and appointments.
Provide meals, clothing, and other donated goods to alleviate some of the day to day financial and time pressures.
And provide a space where women can breathe and relax and begin their reconnection with self, family and community.
Pop In relies on volunteers for a range of ongoing supports and activities including maintaining our gardens and cottage, preparing fabulous meals for women and their children from OZ Harvest donations, provision of child care for mums attending programs and appointments, sorting through the generous donations we receive and ensuring that women’s first engagement with Pop In is a warming and welcoming one. Our volunteers are a versatile group who willingly take on our many and varies requests. Susie and Andy Forrest are a fabulous example of the commitment of our volunteers to pitch in; as well as a generous donation of a much needed freezer, they are always ready to help out and go above and beyond to assist Pop In. We would also like to acknowledge our anonymous kind donors who have gifted us a new, much needed, washing machine. Thank you!
Our People
Cath Davidson
Cath is one of our lovely Case Workers. She has a wealth of experience in a range of areas, most recently in the housing and homelessness sector. Cath works closely with many o our clients to identify supports and services they require and ensure ease of access for best possible outcomes.
Student placements provide a valuable resource and an opportunity to support learning and community engagement.
All students complete the Pop In familiarisation workshop and complete necessary checks prior to commencing. Depending upon their life/work experience and their field of study, projects are identified to best support their learning. Milly is our current student, currently studying her Cert IV in Community Services through TAFE NSW. She has quickly become a valuable support to the team as she begins her career towards a future career in the sector.