Newsletter - Issue 2 - August 2021

Our news

We’re pleased to report that Pop In won a Stronger Communities Grant from the Federal Government. Member for Whitlam Stephen Jones MP visited Pop In to deliver the good news. He said: ​"Pop In Southern Highlands do fantastic work with a strong community focus. They work with clients as long as they need, and aren't dependent on government revenue. What a crew."

We'll use this grant funding ​to build an outdoor cabin to use for our free children's program. It will be a safe space for play therapy, counselling and parenting activities. More on this in our next newsletter, when we will be able to tell you about support from the Bowral District Children’s Foundation, The Rotary Club of Bowral Mittagong and the Wingecarribee Council Community Assistance Scheme all helping us deliver a safe space for play therapy, counselling and parenting activities.

​To keep everyone safe while Greater Sydney is in lockdown and NSW deals with the Delta outbreak, we’ve made some temporary changes to the way Pop In runs. We continue to offer online and phone support 5 days a week from 9am till 4pm. For now, we have limited the days that Pop In is open​. ​​However, if anyone needs to meet with a member of the team, they can phone ​02 4872 1229. ​​K​eep an eye on our Insta and Facebook pages for updates. These temporary arrangements will help us maintain a safe environment for everyone; we look forward to once more opening our doors every weekday.

Finally, we’ve added a blog to our website! It’s a place to keep all the latest news.

Vicki Kelley,

Our Results

July was a busy month at Pop In, and sadly we are starting to see some of the side effects of the ongoing Greater Sydney lockdown and local Covid restrictions. Demand for advice, information and ongoing support doubled at Pop In last month. Our laundry facilities and home cooked meals are more in need than ever, and towards the end of July we had our busiest week of visitors to the centre yet.

To read more about how the Covid stress has impacted on domestic violence, click the link below.

Our community

Images credited and supplied by Michaela Bolzan and Cinema Spotlight.

Images credited and supplied by Michaela Bolzan and Cinema Spotlight.

Although the event couldn’t go ahead with the Covid restrictions in place, we’re grateful to Michaela Bolzan from Creative + Co, who planned a fundraiser with the help of Empire Cinema Bowral. Michaela had organised a charity screening of British film Herself, a heart-warming story of a woman getting back on her feet after experiencing domestic violence. Thanks also to everyone who bought a ticket to the event.

We caught up with artist and Pop In advocate Zoe Young to talk to her about her generous donation, as well as what drew her to the Pop In cause. You’ll remember that over the Mother’s Day weekend this year, Zoe raised $6,300 for Pop In by auctioning one of her paintings. The money will go a long way towards providing resources for the women and families who visit our cottage at 2 Mona Rd in Bowral.

Our people

Sharon Eskell
Volunteer Coordinator

Sharon Eskell is the Volunteer Coordinator at Pop In. She’s the initial contact for volunteers, takes care of their training and induction, makes up the rosters and makes sure everyone knows what to do. Each day at Pop In, two volunteers come along to cook, shop, tidy and do whatever needs to be done!

When she heard about Pop In, Sharon felt immediately ready to help in any way she could. “When we moved here, I wanted to get involved in the community and saw volunteering as a good way to give back and spread the love. I’m grateful Pop In enables me to use my administration and cooking skills, and to feel useful and needed,” she said.

“Pop In’s vision of empowering these brave women on their journey of healing and growth to get back on their feet is a very powerful one for me. I love the Pop In philosophy of kindness, dignity and respect.”

We asked Sharon about what continues to inspire Pop In’s volunteers. “All the volunteers have a common thread of compassion and kindness,” she said. “This fractured part of society is crying in pain, and they all want to help to heal and provide a warm and safe place for the clients.”

Our partners

There are lots of ways to help Pop In. This month, we’re calling out a couple of organisations who have become champions of our organisation - talking about Pop In in our local community to spread the word about what we do.

The Fold Southern Highlands is one of Pop In's marketing partners. They’ve been on board right from our launch, creating a listing for us on their fabulous website and using their huge social media presence to alert the Southern Highlands community to our service. They even sat down for a Q&A with Pop In Chair, Vicki Kelley. Click on the link to read more.

Highland Recruitment are one of Pop In’s financial donors - but they are also so much more. Principal Lynn Watson has become an advocate for our organisation and the service we offer, by speaking at local business forums and introducing volunteers and donors. Lynn is also working on a series of fundraising events (more detail to come!)

There are lots of ways to help Pop In; visit our website for more information on how to donate.

Learn More

Follow Pop In on Instagram and Facebook

  • Get in touch online or by emailing

  • Phone us on 02 4872 1229

  • Pop In is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. Make an appointment or drop in to 2 Mona Rd, Bowral.

This service is for women who live in the Wingecarribee LGA. Visitors from other areas will be referred to support closer to home. Women of all ages, ethnicity and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome.




Newsletter - Issue 1 - July 2021