Newsletter - Issue 1 - July 2021

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Our news

We have been astounded and humbled by the community support granted to Pop In since we officially opened our doors at the end of April. From individuals coming forward to volunteer and tradespeople offering their services, to businesses organising fundraisers, and foundations offering rolling funding for the next three years - we are grateful for every offer of help.

It’s been a long road to get to this point. What started as a conversation about domestic violence in the Wingecarribee Shire led to 18 months of research and development, and the implementation of our unique, best-practice model that is community based - led, driven and funded by the people of the Wingecarribee.

It was an honour to host many of our donors and supporters at a formal opening event. It was especially lovely to see the ribbon-cutting performed by Nancy Davenport, who lived in the Pop In cottage when it was called “The Haven”.

Vicki Kelley,

Our Results

Since Pop In opened, the need for this service in the Wingecarribee has only become more evident. So far we’ve had more than 200 points of contact with women of the Southern Highlands who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse. Some of these women have needed intensive work with our team of professional caseworkers; others were looking for one-off information and resources.

We help these women navigate the complex network of resources that are available to them - police, legal, housing, financial support and more. We also make referrals where necessary, and provide information about other support services - for example, national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service 1800RESPECT.

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Our community

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We’ve been floored by the generosity of the local community to support Pop In to help women get back on their feet - and to say no to domestic violence. When we heard the greatly acclaimed Southern Highlands artist Zoe Young was auctioning one of her artworks on Instagram - with the proceeds going to Pop In - we could hardly believe it.

Over the Mother’s Day weekend, Zoe ended up raising $6,300 for Pop In, which will go a long way towards providing resources for the women and families who visit our cottage at 2 Mona Rd in Bowral. Thank you, Zoe, for your incredible gift.

All images credited and supplied by Zoe Young.

Our people

Erin Nicholls
Operations Manager

Erin oversees the day-to-day operations of Pop In, making sure that the women who drop in get the help they need, and that the staff and volunteers are supported to do their jobs.

During her 12 years in the community services sector, many of the people Erin worked with had been disadvantaged by domestic violence in some way, which is how her passion for providing domestic violence support came about.

A Highlands girl born and bred, she’s proud to be part of a much-needed community-driven service that operates locally, rather than sending people to Wollongong or Sydney. "I want this to be a community that is safe, happy and thriving. Every woman we help is a step closer to that goal."

Pop In's vision is to help women get back on their feet. We asked Erin what that means to her.

Helping women get back on their feet starts by acknowledging how strong and resilient the women who ring our doorbell already are.”

“They aren’t weak or down-trodden,” she said. “They are resisting the abuse and fighting for themselves every single day. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly face to give them the right information and help guide them through.”

Our sponsors

There are so many people and organisations we’d like to thank, who helped Pop In in the lead-up to its opening - even at our launch event. This time we’re calling out three businesses that helped at our opening event; it would have been a very different feeling without them!

Custom Printing are Pop In's printing partners. Their support with our brochures and signs has been invaluable. It was wonderful to see their hard work being put to good use at our launch event.

Action Hire, who provided the heaters for the event - much needed on a cold Bowral evening!

Tertini Wines, who generously donated beautiful local wine for the launch (which also helped to keep us warm!)

There are lots of ways to help Pop In; visit our website for more information on how to donate.

Learn More

Follow Pop In on Instagram and Facebook

  • Get in touch online or by emailing

  • Phone us on 02 4872 1229

  • Pop In is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. Make an appointment or drop in to 2 Mona Rd, Bowral.

This service is for women who live in the Wingecarribee LGA. Visitors from other areas will be referred to support closer to home. Women of all ages, ethnicity and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome.


Newsletter - Issue 2 - August 2021


Artist Zoe Young’s gift to Pop In