Artist Zoe Young’s gift to Pop In

We’ve been floored by the generosity of the local community to support Pop In to help women get back on their feet - and to say no to domestic violence. When we heard the greatly acclaimed Southern Highlands artist Zoe Young was auctioning one of her portrait artworks on Instagram - with the proceeds going to Pop In - we could hardly believe it.

Over the Mother’s Day weekend this year, Zoe ended up raising $6,300 for Pop In, which will go a long way towards providing resources for the women and families who visit our cottage at 2 Mona Rd in Bowral. Thank you, Zoe, for your incredible gift.

We asked Zoe why she decided to donate the portrait sitting, and why the Pop In cause matters to her.

A gift of kindness

“I’d never have predicted that raising funds and awareness for various charities would be a side hustle to my studio practice. Until I established a sustainable practice, I was too busy trying to work the seemingly impossible puzzle of how to earn a living doing what I loved.

“I guess I feel so lucky  to have finally carved out a path for myself that, if I can give back to those struggling in one way or another on their journey, I’d be a fool not to. There is no way I’d be so lucky without the contribution of people being generous and thoughtful.

“Even in the smallest of ways, a tiny gesture of kindness at a pivotal moment in someone's life can make the world of difference.

Gratitude for past help

“Potentially, I could also just have a huge karmic debt from a misspent youth that I’m attempting to pay off as gracefully as possible!

“My mentor and friend, food writer Jill Dupleix, drew me in to the Two Good Charity Cookbook initiative... it was through this collaboration that I became aware of the dire domestic situations that women and children face.

“I’ve never felt particularly set back by my gender. However, as a recipient of the NSW Women’s Leadership Rural Scholarship this year, I attended a two-day conference in Sydney with speakers from all walks of life - from Gladys [Berejiklian] to a transexual woman who had a successful company cleaning after the deceased.

“The message was loud and strong: there is huge gender bias both on boards and at home. All of a sudden, I questioned everything from this enlightened perspective, which made me feel like we actually still live in the dark ages in many respects.”

Enter Pop In

“I met Vicki [Kelly, Chair of Pop In] whilst giving a talk for International Women’s Day. I was captivated by everything she spoke about. Once she elaborated on the Pop In centre, I was so happy that there was a local initiative that was so pragmatic yet wholesomely kind.

“On Mother’s Day this year, instead of giving my mother a present, I said, ‘This year, I’m donating a portrait of someone’s mother, just as I painted you last Mother’s Day, to raise funds for the Pop In centre.’

“We had such a fun day. We were at the jazz, and we had a really exciting time checking into Instagram between wines and songs to see how much we’d raised! It was very exciting when bidding closed at 6pm and we’d raised $6,300, all of which is going to the Pop In centre.”

When we checked in with Zoe this week, the Covid restrictions had delayed handing over the portrait to the successful bidder. But she will let us know when that happens, so we can share this joyous gift even further.

About Zoe Young

Zoe studied sculpture at the National Art School in Sydney and is a decorated artist. She won the Portia Geach Women's Art Prize (2018), the Calleen Art Prize (2020), and the NSW Women’s Leadership Rural Scholarship (2021). Her work has been featured in the Sydney Contemporary Art Fair (2018), The Sulman Prize (2019) and the Archibald Prize Exhibition (2013, 2017).

Zoe Is currently working towards her debut institutional show at the yet to be opened Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf, being built on Sydney Harbour by the Woollahra Municipal Council. The show, titled ‘The Seasons of Childhood’, will explore Zoe looking back on her own childhood growing up between Thredbo Valley, the Southern Highlands and on the harbour of Seven Shillings Beach in Sydney.

She is currently in Thredbo painting with her family, drawing inspiration from her own children’s childhood, along with her own.

Pop In donation put to good use

Pop In Chair Vicki Kelley says the $6,300 raised will go a long way towards Pop In’s goal of helping women get back on their feet.

“In broad terms, we have an annual budget of about half a million dollars. To date, we are very close to being fully funded for the next three years. Our goal is to have rolling commitments for the next five years and beyond,” she said.

“Every dollar of Pop In’s budget has been donated - by individuals, businesses, families and foundations. That’s what makes the Pop In model different - it’s community-led, driven by community need.”

Some community members, like Zoe, have taken it upon themselves to organise fundraising events. Michaela Bolzan of Creative and Co pulled together a charity film screening of British film Herself, at Empire Cinema in Bowral.

And - although details are yet to be finalised - we hear that a series of public speaking events is in the works. To keep in the loop, follow our Instagram and Facebook pages, or sign up to our newsletter.

How to donate to Pop In

You don’t have to be a celebrated artist to donate to Pop In! As Zoe said, even the smallest gesture of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.

To donate to Pop In, visit the Donate page on our website. We welcome one-off donations of financial support. We also have attractive partner packages for families, businesses and foundations.

We also accept in-kind donations - if you or your business have a material good or a service you would like to donate, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with our team at 2 Mona Road by phoning 02 4872 1229 or emailing

Pop In is also actively seeking volunteers - they’re crucial to the success of our community-driven service. A variety of opportunities are on offer for volunteers, with differing levels of commitment. All of Pop In’s volunteers receive a comprehensive induction and ongoing training opportunities. Interested? We’d love to hear from you. Email or fill out our expression of interest form.


Newsletter - Issue 1 - July 2021


Southern Highlands Magazine